Assisted reproduction demands precision and innovation, two qualities exemplified by CooperSurgical® SAGE 1-Step media.
Assisted reproduction demands precision and innovation, two qualities exemplified by CooperSurgical® SAGE 1-Step media.
In this testimonial video, the Director of IVF-SAAR Laboratory, Dr. Martin Greuner*, shares his wealth of experience in oocyte selection and preimplantation stages, discussing the positive impacts of introducing SAGE 1-Step media in his lab.

A journey of evolution
The evolution of IVF media mirrors the dynamic landscape of reproductive technology. From homemade concoctions to commercially available options, the quest for optimal results has been relentless for IVF-SAAR Laboratory.
Dr. Greuner told us that in his lab, he observed that the use of SAGE 1-Step resulted in a greater blastocyst and pregnancy rate, as well as a more stable osmolarity compared to an
alternative single-step medium.
He shared that the stability in osmolality and pH helped provide the necessary foundation for consistent and successful outcomes.

Learn more about SAGE 1-Step™ media
Forging pathways to success one embryo at a time, SAGE 1-Step media contains
hyaluronan and is a popular choice for fertility professionals seeking uninterrupted culture
following IVF or ICSI through to the blastocyst stage. It is also ideal for use with time-lapse
* Dr. Martin Greuner is a paid consultant of CooperSurgical