Medical Education Grants

As part of CooperSurgical’s mission to further the advancement of medicine and healthcare, CooperSurgical is currently accepting grant applications to support educational activities. We are committed to supporting initiatives that provide healthcare professionals (HCPs) with evidence-based, clinically relevant education that can advance healthcare practice and improve patient outcomes.
CooperSurgical supports quality educational activities such as live presentations, online courses, residency training programs, and conference symposia from organizations (e.g., hospitals, universities, societies, medical-education vendors). All funding requests will be reviewed and assessed in conjunction with our goal to help physicians and other healthcare professionals obtain information that contributes to the improvement of patient care and the advancement of medicine.
Educational Areas of Interest
CooperSurgical supports medical education that addresses healthcare topics and patient care needs adequately aligned with our current medical, educational and scientific areas of interest.
CooperSurgical will consider funding requests for the following health topics:
- Colposcopy
- Wound Closure
- Hysteroscopy
- Colorectal Surgery
- Uterine Prolapse/Urinary Incontinence
- GYN Cancer Screening
- Hernia Repair
- Obstetrics
- General Surgery
- Head and Neck Surgery
- Gynecological Surgery
- Microvascular Surgery
- Plastic Surgery
- Other Relevant Related Health Topic
Submission Process
Overview of the application process
Requests for Medical Education Grants need to be submitted at least 60 business days (Standard Response Time) prior to the scheduled event date.
CooperSurgical requires that an agreement is fully executed prior to the start date of the program content development or activity. Please plan ahead to ensure a decision and contract execution, if approved, can be completed to meet your deadline.
The Medical Education Grant Application can be accessed by clicking the “Request Funding” button below. If you have any specific questions regarding your application, please email us at [email protected].
Eligibility Criteria
To qualify for Grant support, all proposed Medical Education Activities must meet the following criteria:
- Meet a legitimate health education or medical education objective.
- Serve a broad audience of HCPs or healthcare organizations.
- Be objective, balanced, and scientifically rigorous with evidence that the education supports a full range of treatment options.
- Be developed independently of CooperSurgical employees or subsidiaries.
- Demonstrate independent control by the conference organizers or program faculty regarding conference content, topics, faculty, invites, presentations, materials, and educational methods.
Submitting a Grant Request
The funding application requires information for the applying organization as well as details pertaining to the educational event/initiative itself. This includes, but is not limited to, the educational need for this program, its learning objectives and goals, evaluation methods for those objectives, and the types of support requested.
The following documents are needed in order to complete your application. Documents marked “required” will need to be submitted by all applicants; as noted below additional documents may be required for specific types of applications. To request training materials or demonstration products, please review product worksheets and complete those applicable to your workshop(s).
- Request Letter on Legal Letterhead
- Sample Invitation or Flyer (required)
- Program or Activity Agenda (Required)
- Budget (Required for monetary requests)
- Completed W-9 (Required for monetary requests)
- Completed Product Worksheet(s) (Required for In-Kind requests)
- Paragard Product Worksheet
- Endosee Product Worksheet
- Other Product Requests Worksheet
- Template of your organization’s standard Letter of Agreement for Commercial Support of CME (if applicable)
- Evaluation or Assessment Tools (if applicable)
- 501c3 Letter of Determination (if applicable)
- ACCME or other Accreditation Certificates (if applicable)
- Please note that submitting a request does not guarantee you and/or your organization will receive funding.
Submission Review
CooperSurgical considers a variety of factors when making funding decisions. The Grant Review Committee (GRC) will discuss and either accept or decline the grant proposal based on current budget resources, the quality of the educational activities and its respective learning objectives, and whether it addresses healthcare topics or patient care needs adequately aligned with our current areas of interest. CooperSurgical will only fund requests for activities that are in compliance with all applicable codes, guidelines, and laws.
It is important to note that submissions can be approved at an amount less than the requested amount. Please do not assume your request has been approved without confirmation from a CooperSurgical Medical Affairs representative.
Requestors will receive an email notification of approval or denial after the GRC has made its decisions. CooperSurgical requires that a fully executed agreement, signed by the requesting Medical Education Provider and CooperSurgical, be completed prior to the commencement of the Medical Education program.
Medical Education Activities are non-promotional activities conducted by third parties independent of CooperSurgical to support healthcare providers (HCPs) in increasing their knowledge about an identified healthcare topic and the full range of treatment options available. All medical education activities eligible for Grant support require that the requesting organization is responsible for development and control of all content, materials, budget, and selection of faculty independent of any CooperSurgical representative.
CooperSurgical may support the following types of educational activities and initiatives:
– Cadaver labs, animal labs, wet/dry labs
– Residency or student training programs
– Training workshops
– Conferences and annual meetings
– Other applicable educational activities or initiatives
Organizations eligible to request grants from CooperSurgical include, but are not limited to:
– Accredited CME organizations (a.k.a. accredited providers)
– Non-accredited medical education/communication companies (MECCs) that regularly conduct independent medical education events
Institutions, such as universities, medical schools, or healthcare facilities (e.g., hospitals, or clinics) that regularly conduct independent medical educational events
– Healthcare-related professional organizations (e.g., Association of Reproductive Health Providers or American Society of Reproductive Medicine)
– Consumer and patient advocacy organizations
– Other organizations that regularly conduct education activities such as national private foundations providing or supporting broad education initiatives
The following types of activities are not eligible for educational grant support:
– Programs not approved by CooperSurgical prior to the date of the event
– Requests outside the areas of CooperSurgical business, educational, or research interest.
– Requests from individual Health Care Professionals (HCPs), private practice groups, family-or physician-controlled private foundations, Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs), Group Purchasing Organizations (GPOs), or Managed Care Organizations (MCOs)
– Trade shows, corporate sponsorships, or exhibit booths
– Travel, lodging, or other personal expense
Yes, CooperSurgical may provide product/In-Kind support for certain educational activities. In-Kind requests can include any additional educational materials such as pelvic models, demo equipment, loaned materials, or educational brochures.
To request training materials or demonstration products, please review product worksheets and select link(s) applicable to your workshop(s). Your application may require more than one worksheet, based on the type of equipment and number of separate workshops. Save and upload the completed worksheet(s) as attachments to the application.
– Paragard Product Worksheet
– Endosee Product Worksheet
– Other Product Requests Worksheet
If you need more guidance in choosing your materials, please use this link to locate specific products/equipment found in our catalogs:
Yes, CooperSurgical offers the option of representative support for applications requesting product/in-kind support. In some cases, specific equipment or devices (e.g., simulators) require accompaniment by a CooperSurgical representative to ensure equipment is safely set up and maintained throughout event.
The purpose of CooperSurgical representation at an event is strictly non-promotional.
Yes, applicants can fill out workshop information on the application for a maximum of 4 workshops. For applicants requesting support at more than 4 workshops in a single event, please provide initial information for at least one workshop, then email [email protected] to request additional instructions.
The following documents are needed in order to complete your application. Documents marked “required” will need to be submitted by all applicants; as noted below additional documents may be required for specific types of applications.
- Request Letter on Legal Letterhead
- Sample Invitation or Flyer (Required)
- Program or Activity Agenda (Required)
- Budget (Required for monetary requests)
- Completed W-9 (Required for monetary requests)
- Completed Product Worksheet(s) (Required for In-Kind requests)
- Template of your organization’s standard Letter of Agreement for
- Commercial Support of CME (if applicable)
- Evaluation or Assessment Tools (if applicable)
- 501c3 Letter of Determination (if applicable)
- ACCME or other Accreditation Certificates (if applicable)
The Medical Education Grant Application can be accessed by clicking the “Request Funding” button below. If you have any specific questions regarding your application, please email us at [email protected].
For exhibit invitations, sponsorships, or requests for promotional activities at a conference or educational event, please direct all request to the marketing department.
Please reach out via email to [email protected] with any additional questions.
Submit a proposal
After reading the Submission Process, click on the link below to complete the Medical Education Grant application.

Ask a Question
If you still have questions after reading over the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), please reach out to us.
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