Core Cryolab(SM) IVF Shipping
We offer comprehensive IVF shipping solutions
Since 2005, Core CryolabSM has provided peace of mind to clinics and their patients for all their cryogenic shipping needs.
We’ve safely shipped thousands of cryogenically frozen IVF samples.
We understand the paramount importance of IVF samples and our specially trained staff will personally care for your shipment. For added peace of mind, we offer optional shipping insurance on any IVF shipment of: embryos, sperm, oocytes (eggs).
Our comprehensive IVF shipping solution:
- Personalized shipping solution to fit your needs
- Rental of the shipper
- Cryogenic charging of the shipper
- All shipping costs are included
- Logistics coordination and monitoring
- All documentation – including customs documentation as applicable
- Optional shipping insurance
Sample Transfer Is This Easy
Contact online or by phone and Core Cryolab sends a vapor shipper to the originating clinic.
Clinic loads samples and they are shipped.
The receiving clinic retrieves samples.
The empty vapor shipper is returned to Core Cryolab.
Get a Cryo-Shipping Quote
Core Cryolab provides a cost effective liquid nitrogen vapor shipping solution to clients based on individual needs.
Cost is dependent upon location and size of shipment.
Get In Touch With Us
We’d love to hear from you. How can we help?
Support & Compliance
Our global team is committed to providing the highest standards of service and support.
Batch Certificates
Use this tool to enter your batch number and download the corresponding certificate of analysis.
We offer a range of contract options to suit your needs: preventative maintenance and service, reliable access to spare parts, product training, and online handling of service requests.
Hardware Warranty
Submit your Product Warranty Card online by completing our quick and easy form.
Get In Touch With Us
We’d love to hear from you. How can we help?