CooperSurgical has acquired ZyMōt Fertility, a subsidiary of DxNow, Inc. Read the full announcement here.
Justin Chura, MD Uses Carter-Thomason CloseSure System in a DaVinci procedure.
Help reduce risk of hernia when closing laparoscopic port sites. Ideal for overweight and bariatric patient.
Justin Chura, MD demonstrates and discusses new Carter-Thomason II Port Closure System features.
Second generation Carter-Thomason II Port Closure System helps reduce risk of hernia when closing laparoscopic port sites.
Introduction of the new CooperSurgical disposable uterine manipulator, the Advincula Delineator.
Susan Crockett, MD and Manuel Mier, Jr., SA-C introduce the Advincula Delineator and discuss the features and benefits of the…
The Advincula Arch is an innovative uterine manipulator. When combined with the Arch Koh-Efficient it provides ease of use and…