Our Genetic Testing Laboratories


Take a look inside our laboratories

CooperSurgical has over 27 years of experience in PGT testing and has undertaken over 500,000 procedures. We’re actively investing in new technology and innovation to advance the field of reproductive medicine, improve clinical outcomes and the health of women babies and families.

CooperGenomics Laboratory, New Jersey

Charles Smith PhD, Senior Vice President of Life Science Services and Innovation, shows us around the new state-of-the-art laboratory at CooperGenomics New Jersey.

I-HUB Innovation Centre in London

Tony Gordon PhD, Vice President of Global Genomics Business Development, shows us around the new state-of-the-art laboratory at the I-HUB Innovation Centre at Imperial University Campus, London.

Laboratory Locations

Headquarters: CooperGenomics New Jersey
3 Regent St, Suite 301,
Livingston, NJ,
USA 07039

CooperGenomics (R&D Laboratory)
1200 Binz St,
Suite 1180, Houston, Texas,
USA 77004

CooperGenomics (UK)
Translation and Innovation Hub (I-HUB),
84 Wood Lane, London,
W12 0BZ, United Kingdom

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